VedRelief®- Ortho Oil

– Clinically Proven & Approved by Ministry of Ayush Board
  • VedRelief® Ortho Oil is a potent Ayurvedic formulation providing instant relief from muscular and joint pain, arthritis pain, shoulder & neck pain.
  • Vedrelief® uses ingredients derived from ancient Indian ayurvedic texts. These time-tested ingredients retain their power and potency to cure
  • The Vedrelief® Ortho Oil penetrates deep into the joints when applied to affected areas and acts rapidly to relieve joint pain without any side effects.

Benefits of vedrelief® Ortho oil

Major Problems

Knee and joint issues on the rise

Pain and stiffness

Pain and stiffness in any joint of the body, as well as noisy joints (joints making a repetitive sound), are early symptoms of arthritis.

Females more prone

Indian females are more prone to arthiritis due to obesity and poor nutrition. As many as 90% of Indian women are deficient in Vitamin D.

Knee arthritis

Knee arthritis is expected to emerge as the fourth most common cause of physical disability in India. Its incidence in the Indian population is believed to be much higher than what is found in western nations.


Osteoarthritis has been affecting 39% adult population in India. Gout and rheumatoid arthritis are other common joint pain. Osteoarthritis is more commonly observed in women and more prevalent with ageing.


VedRelief Ortho oil contains 6 different ayurvedic oils such as :

Narayana Taila, Vishagarba Taila, Pinda Taila, Ksheerabala Taila, Mahamasha Taila, Gandapathri Taila

Narayana Taila – is a blend of nourishing herbs alleviate pain and inflammation in arthritis and related cases helps improve muscle wasting. relieve vata-pitta related disorders.

Vishagarba Taila – Useful in rheumatic disorders, arthritis, sprains, stiff joints, frozen shoulders, cervical spondylitis, lumbago, sciatica, sports injuries, and all other painful & inflammatory conditions of muscular-skeletal origin.

Pinda Taila – Pinda thailam is beneficial in providing relief from pain, burning sensation, redness, tenderness and helps reduce pain and burning sensation related to gouty arthritis. Decrease the swelling, redness, burning sensation and pounding pain attributed to pitta dosha.

Ksheerabala Taila – Beneficial in neuromuscular pain, promotes a healthy nervous system by activating, revitalizing, and soothing the nerves to support regular functioning. Regular massaging promotes healthy blood circulation, rejuvenating muscle fibers which encourages the regular functioning of the body’s vital organs.

Mahamasha Taila– Mahamasha thailam is aone of the owerful auyrvedic formulation contains blac gram predominantly. Used in muscular dystrophy, relieve frozen shoulder, diabetic neuropathy, freezinf of feet, varicose veins and weakness.

Gandapathri Taila – rovide an immediate relief exhibits promising antispasmodic with analgesic properties.

Potent Ayurvedic formulation providing instant relief from bone and joint pain.

Time tested ingredients which are proven to provide relief from the pain for long.

Penetrates deep into the affected areas and acts rapidly without any side effects.


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